Aircraft display at AERO Asia 2023. 2023年亚洲通用航空展的飞行器展示。
Zhuhai, 25 September 2024. Following the alliance between Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and Zhuhai Airshow Group Co Ltd, AERO Asia, a leading platform for the general aviation (GA) industry, is set to leverage new resources to elevate its position in Asia-Pacific amidst favourable market conditions. The region is a key driver of growth for the global sector, due to favourable demographics, green transformation, and the emergence of the low-altitude economy, with China in particular propelling the industry forward. Now featuring both organisers at the helm, the show’s second edition will take place 6 – 9 November 2025 at Zhuhai International Airshow Center, situated at the epicentre of one of China’s main aviation manufacturing clusters in Zhuhai.
第二届亚洲通用航空展(AERO Asia)将于2025年11月6至 9日在珠海国际航展中心盛大召开。从本届开始,展会由法兰克福展览(香港)有限公司与珠海航展集团有限公司联合举办,在双方紧密合作与优势互补的基础上,AERO Asia将进一步提升其在亚太地区通用航空(GA)领域的领先平台的坚实地位,在充满活力的市场环境中与行业携手前行。得益于区域人口结构的优势、绿色转型的加速以及低空经济的蓬勃兴起,亚太地区已成为全球行业增长的关键动力源,尤其在中国市场的强劲推动下,展会将引领行业迈向新高度。
Held biennially, next year’s show is set to cover 40,000 sqm, with the offering ranging from piston planes, turboprops, and business jets; to helicopters, gyrocopters, and drones; to a full range of avionics, components, services, and systems. The previous edition featured 268 exhibitors from 17 countries/regions, 92 aircraft with 32 fly-ins, and welcomed over 68,000 visits. The new partnership aims to use its global network to add impetus to the show, and fuel growth in Asia’s burgeoning GA sector.
AERO Asia 2025展览面积将达到40,000平方米。展会每两年一届,展品范围涉及通用航空及无人机上下游全产业链,涵盖包括:活塞式飞机、涡轮螺旋桨飞机和公务喷气机;直升机、陀螺仪和无人机;以及全系列航空电子设备、零部件、服务和系统的相关产品。随着技术的不断进步和政策的持续支持,低空经济作为一种新兴的经济形态,具有广阔的发展前景和巨大的经济价值。AERO Asia 2025将聚焦低空经济相关热点,集合相关产品及行业研讨会,共同探索这一领域未来发展机遇。上届2023年展会共计吸引来自17个国家及地区的268家参展商,静态与动态展示的飞行器多达92架,实现飞行演示32次,及逾68,000参观人次。此次携手法兰克福展览(香港)有限公司,旨在借助其遍布全球的营销网络优势,为展会注入新活力,加速推动亚洲通用航空这一新兴领域的蓬勃发展。
Providing feedback on the company’s new undertaking, Mr Wolfgang Marzin, President and CEO of Messe Frankfurt GmbH, said: “Sealing the agreement which makes AERO Asia Messe Frankfurt’s first-ever aviation show in China is a huge step forward for the Group. To elevate the show’s influence in Asia, we will contribute our extensive resources on the continent and beyond, including our first-class business network and well-developed Mobility and Logistics trade fair portfolio, which hosts 25,000 exhibitors and 830,000 visitors yearly. Our JV fairnamic GmbH, the organiser of the leading show for general aviation AERO Friedrichshafen, has also stood us in good stead to use our expertise to further bridge the gap between the Asian and international GA sectors.”
法兰克福展览集团总裁兼首席执行官马赋康先生对集团新业务的展望充满信心,他表示:“此次协议的签署,标志着AERO Asia将成为法兰克福展览集团在中国举办的第一个航空展会,这无疑是集团发展中的重大里程碑。为提升展会在亚洲的影响力,我们将全力投入集团在亚洲及全球范围内的丰富资源,包括集团强大的行销网络以及覆盖广泛的交通运输及物流领域的展会资源,该领域展会每年吸引约25,000家参展商与830,000名专业观众。此外,依托集团合资企业Fairnamic展览公司作为德国(腓特烈港)通用航空贸易展览会(AERO Friedrichshafen)的主办经验,我们将充分施展专业优势,致力于拉近亚洲与国际通用航空领域间的距离,推动双方更紧密的融合与发展。”
In the face of robust growth projections, the industry is set to benefit from sustainability-linked aviation finance and increasing demand from the Asia-Pacific market (predicted CAGR of 8.5% until 2031), with the low-altitude segment demonstrating huge potential for delivering packages, cargo, medical supplies, and passengers.
Mr Stephan Buurma, Member of the Board of Management, Messe Frankfurt Group & Managing Director, Messe Frankfurt Asia Holding Ltd, said: “AERO Asia is positioned for industry players to expand their business in the Chinese and Asian markets, and Messe Frankfurt aims to be a key part of that journey. We have 30 years of experience operating in Asia, and currently organise around 80 fairs per year in developed and developing markets on the continent. With the rise of the low-altitude economy and aviation decarbonisation initiatives, as well as Asia’s upward-trending population, urbanisation, and per-capita income, we have identified several growth drivers for us to help make AERO Asia an even more significant catalyst for industry expansion.”
法兰克福展览集团董事会成员暨法兰克福展览亚洲控股有限公司董事总经理鲍思丰先生表示:“AERO Asia精准定位于助力业界同仁拓展中国及亚洲市场业务版图,而法兰克福展览集团则致力于成为这一进程中不可或缺的关键力量。集团在亚洲深耕超过30年,每年在亚洲各地成功举办展会约80场,积累了丰富的专业运营经验,业务版图已覆盖从发达以至新兴市场的广泛领域。随着低空经济的蓬勃兴起、航空领域向碳中和的转型,以及亚洲地区人口增长、城市化加速、人均收入提升等积极因素的推动,共同构成了推动AERO Asia及整个行业前行的关键增长动力,这些动力将助力AERO Asia成为推动行业扩张的催化剂,促进整个行业的稳健前行。”
A relatively new concept set to gain prominence at the show, the low-altitude economy generally encompasses manned and unmanned activities within airspace under 3,000 and 1,000 metres respectively. It is an area undergoing significant development in China for more effective urban and rural transportation, and encompasses economic activities relating to eVTOL and eCTOL aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones, and more. The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) projects the sector to expand fourfold by 2030 to value USD 280 billion. Falling under the general aviation category, low-altitude offerings will be in demand at AERO Asia 2025, with the show well-positioned to benefit global GA business.
低空经济,这一新兴且日益瞩目的概念,在本届展会中占据了显著位置,一般指在 3,000 米以下空域的有人驾驶航空器和 1,000 米以下的无人机活动。中国正在大力发展低空经济,旨在提高城市和农村交通网络的效率,这一领域广泛覆盖电动垂直起降飞行器(eVTOL) 和 电动常规起降(eCTOL)飞机、无人驾驶飞行器(UAV)或无人机等有关的经济活动。据中国民用航空局(CAAC)预计,到 2030 年,低空经济规模将扩大四倍,产值将达到 2,800 亿美元。AERO Asia 2025将着眼于低空经济这一战略性新兴产业,为广大与会者进行全方位的展示通用航空类别的低空产品,为全球通用航空业务带来巨大利益。
The show will take place in Zhuhai, situated in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), and easily accessible to major GBA cities, including Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen. Zhuhai itself is one of five key clusters for the country’s aviation industry, and a focal point for aircraft manufacturing and related services, while neighbouring Shenzhen is home to the most low-altitude economy enterprises in China and accounted for over 60% of the country’s drone production in 2023. Adapting and growing to meet evolving industry requirements is a key focus as AERO Asia approaches its second edition.
AERO Asia 2025将在位于粤港澳大湾区的珠海市盛大开幕,展会选址于交通便利之地,能够便捷通达大湾区核心城市,如广州市、深圳市及中国香港。珠海市作为国家航空产业五大集群之一和航空航天制造及配套服务的中心枢纽,产业基础雄厚,为展会奠定了坚实的基础。同时,与珠海市相毗邻的深圳市汇聚了众多国内低空经济企业,2023年无人机产量全国占比超六成,产值960亿元,是通航企业的优选之地。如此,AERO Asia将助力全球通用航空业务的高质量发展。
Commenting on the new organiser arrangement, Mr Sun Jiefeng, Chairman and General Manager of Zhuhai Airshow Group Co Ltd, said: “We are very pleased that this alliance has come to fruition, and look forward to working with our new partners to grow this exciting show. As we are also the organiser of Airshow China in Zhuhai, the country’s leading aviation exhibition, we are well-connected with various domestic associations and authorities in the sector, with a vast network of exhibitors and buyers. We strongly believe that Messe Frankfurt’s experience as a globe-leading exhibition organiser will further increase AERO Asia’s influence outside of China, and we will work together to grow this international brand, for next year’s show and beyond.”
珠海航展集团有限公司董事长、总经理孙洁峰先生对全新展会主办方的安排给与评价,他表示:“我们很高兴可以与法兰克福展览达成本次合作。我们希望能够与新的合作伙伴携手助力AERO Asia的蓬勃发展。作为国内规模庞大、影响力显著的中国航展主办方,珠海航展集团与国内众多行业协会及权威机构建立了深厚且紧密的联系,构建了覆盖广泛参展商与买家的强大行销网络。我们坚信法兰克福展览将发挥其全球领先展览主办机构的影响力,为AERO Asia注入新动力,进一步拓展其国际舞台上的影响力,在未来共同打造亚洲通用航展的国际展会品牌。”
As a key part of the global AERO trade fair brand, AERO Asia is one of the continent’s leading platforms for the general aviation industry. Other shows in the brand portfolio include AERO Friedrichshafen, the leading international trade fair for general aviation, business aviation and air sports, and AERO South Africa, Southern Africa’s premier GA event.
作为德国通航展(AERO)品牌旗下的重要展会之一,AERO Asia是全球通用航空业内的领先平台。其展会品牌旗下还包括全球领先的通用航空、商务航空及航空运动展会——德国腓特烈斯哈芬通用航空展(AERO Friedrichshafen)和在南非享有盛誉的高端通用航空展会——南非(茨瓦内)通用航空贸易展(AERO South Africa)。
AERO Asia will be held from 6 – 9 November 2025. For details, please visit